Summer Adult Family Session | The Albrachts

You know those families that just radiate love and respect for one another, and just all around make you feel good? Meet the Albrachts. I grew up going to the same church as the Albrachts and Brian was our family doctor! Since the last time I saw them, Maddie has gotten married and started a family with her high school sweetheart, Luke has started a new chapter of his life in Texas with a super sweet girl, and Issac is making his way through med school (and now I have a super cute baby and take photos for a living). I spent an evening at the family’s home and was not prepared for how much fun it would be. In an hour and a half I witnessed some adorable portraits, lots of laughs and smooches, the grandkids being pushed on their favorite swing, the boys getting rowdy and tackling one another to the ground, and naturally the evening ended with some backflips off of the diving board. It doesn’t get much more summer than that!

Abby Thomas